MacBook Tweaks
Got a new MacBook for work about two weeks ago (macOS High Sierra, 15 inch screen, 16 GB memory). I’ve been a Windows guy most of my life, so it’s been a fun switch. As I was settling in, here are a few tweaks I made so things would feel more homey.
Bootstrap 4 With Bootstrap 3 Code Styles
I recently moved this site to Bootstrap 4. Some of my favorite things about v4: margin-top is avoided, margin-bottom uses rem instead of px, a native font stack is used, and base font-size is 16px (a good thing for mobile readers, and accessibility). I feel the typography in v4 is better spaced and the text can “breathe”.
Things I Like
A list of things that I like, in no particular order. This is a living document.
Aliases in Windows Command Prompt
Unix-like operating systems make it easy to add command aliases, e.g. adding a line to .bashrc, .bash_profile, or .bash_aliases. But what about Windows command prompt users?
Simple Pleasures
I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all. — Laura Ingalls After watching why small pleasures are a big deal, I started a list of my own. With a bit of passing around to family and friends, here’s what we ended up with. The original list consisted of just a few. As more come to mind, I add them here.
Total blog posts: 220