Bash Utility Functions
This article has been removed. Bash functions now live in my dotfiles.
On Being Comfortable
I’m INFJ on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, and a five on the Enneagram. So if your personality is similar to mine, perhaps the below is useful to you as well.
Use Hugo Templating in Your External CSS
Hugo Pipes allows resource creation from an asset file that contains templating. As an example, let’s say you want to make your site’s background color and text color configurable. In your config.toml file, you would have the below:
Pretty Print Github Markdown
If you want to pretty print your markdown docs in GitHub (GH), and your repo lives on the official, then you can use gitprint. But at work our GH is hosted internally, so this gitprint service does not work.
Bret Weinstein on Metaphorical Truth
I recently stumbled upon Dax Shepard’s Armchair Expert podcast. His interview with Bret Weinstein was very interesting and fun. Just before the 2 hour mark, they get into the topic of metaphorical truth. Although I don’t fully agree with everything said, it really resonated with me. The following is my lightly paraphrased version of the conversation.
Total blog posts: 220