Prevent the Display, System, and Disk From Sleeping on Mac

Published: Aug 31, 2020
Updated: Feb 28, 2022

When you step away from your Mac, it can be useful to prevent it from sleeping. Say you want to grab some coffee, but not deal with unlocking your screen and such when you get back. It’s as easy as running a quick command.

Add the below function to your shell config file then restart Terminal.

Shell Function #

caffe() {
  if [[ ${#} -lt 1 ]]; then
    echo -e "Usage:\n  ${FUNCNAME[0]} HOURS"
    echo -e "Sample:\n  ${FUNCNAME[0]} 1"    
    return 1
  local hr=${1}
  local min=$(python -c "print(${hr} * 60)")
  local sec=$(python -c "print(${hr} * 60 * 60)")
  local day=$(python -c "print(round(${hr} / 24, 2))")
  echo "${hr} hr == ${min} min == ${sec} sec == ${day} day"
  echo "Creating an assertion to prevent the display, system, and disk from sleeping"
  caffeinate -d -i -m -s -u -t ${sec}

Usage #

Wrong: Calling with no arg:

$ caffe
  caffe HOURS
  caffe 1

Right: Calling with 1 arg:

$ caffe 24
24 hr == 1440 min == 86400 sec == 1.0 day
Creating an assertion to prevent the display, system, and disk from sleeping
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