Git Reference

Published: Mar 31, 2021
Updated: Feb 3, 2024

A living doc of handy git commands.

Init new repo #

git init

Configure local user name #

git config --local "<USERNAME>"

Configure local user email #

git config --local "<EMAIL>"

List local configuration #

git config --local --list

Create new branch from current branch #

git checkout -b <BRANCH>

Create remote branch from local branch #

git push --set-upstream origin

Checkout existing branch #

git checkout <BRANCH>

Delete local branch #

git branch -D <BRANCH>

Delete all local branches except for current banch #

git branch | grep -v '^*' | xargs git branch -D

Delete remote branch #

git push --delete --force origin <BRANCH>

List local branches #

git branch

List remote branches #

git branch -r

Show status #

git status

Show diff #

git diff

Stage all changes #

git add --all

Commit staged changes #

git commit -m "<MESSAGE>"

Push local branch to remote branch #

git push

Merge remote branch into local branch #

git pull origin <BRANCH>

Show commit log #

git log

Show pretty commit log #

git log --oneline

Show who last touched each line of a file #

git blame <FILE>

Unstage all changes #

git reset

Undo all modified files #

git checkout .

Delete untracked files #

git clean -f -d

Interactively rebase last N commits #

git rebase -i HEAD~N

Cleanup local repo #

git gc

Track case-only filename changes #


Ignore a file that was already committed #

git rm -r --cached .
git add --all

Show short hash of latest commit where N is length #

git rev-parse --short=N HEAD

Squash last N commits #

git reset --soft HEAD~N
git commit -m "<MESSAGE>"
git push --force-with-lease

Rebase your branch onto main #

git fetch origin
git rebase origin/main


git pull origin main --rebase
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